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Iba 2008 1,043 h Austria
Iba 1983 807 h United States, Dupont, Indiana
Iba 2021 556 h United States, Redding, California
Iba 1984 15,300 h Norway, Nord-Trøndelag
Iba 2013 17,254 h Netherlands, Almelo
Iba 2020 9,814 h United States, Amherst, New York
Iba 2006 23,742 h Netherlands, BIG 5 De Tweede Geerden 35 Velddriel
Iba 2004 Netherlands, Venlo
Iba 2002 6,000 h Austria
Iba 2015 6,988 h Netherlands, Vierpolders
Iba 2007 36,567 h United States, CA
Iba United States, Gainesville, Texas
Iba 2020 4,687 h Netherlands, Vierpolders
Iba 2000 2,684 h United States, Phoenix, Minnesota
Iba 2013 5,500 h France, Senlis
Iba 1995 20,000 h Austria
Iba 2002 2,770 h United States, Denver, Colorado
Iba 2015 Denmark
Iba 2015 Netherlands
Iba 2002 11,000 h Canada, Edmonton, Alberta